Install outlets for electric vehicles in parking lots
[Submitted via email]
Consider a downtown parking lot with outlets so plugin electric hybrids can recharge. Could have some type of metre.

Following a 2009 Council adopted report, scaleable public charging infrastructure is being deployed to support the adoption of electric vehicles in Vancouver.
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Heman Matharu commented
Yes it seems green, but you also have to put in the fact that the energy used to create the electricity may be from burning fossil fuels. Maybe the use of a small plant such as solar, wind, hydro-electric and even hydrogen will reduce the waste creating the electricity compared to getting the electricity to some fossil burning fact. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, though there is some room to improve.
Drive More commented
Unaffordable at Any Speed
electric car subsidies are snobby and foolish.
Annual sales will hit no more than 465,000 by 2020, according to Deloitte—a mere rounding error in a 250-million-car national fleet. This projection is consistent with others by Boston Consulting Group, Resources for the Future, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and Honda Motor Corp., whose head of research and development recently declared that "we lack confidence" in the electric-vehicle business.
benzcooper commented
Cool. I'm glad this has been started.
Randall commented
Go windmill... Solar panels need to be manufactured using more toxins than windmills and they have a lifetime of only a few years before they need to be replaced.
Windmills have a much longer lifetime and do not require as much maintenance.
BaxterKD commented
Rooftop solar charging units can be installed all over the city with the distant future in mind. You don't want to be the greenest city for just one year!
Drive More commented
Very expensive public chargers are very good for reselling to make some bucks for some people. This is Vancouver, home of the homeless, idiots and litter bugs, lots of homeless need to make a buck from something other than recycling bottles, cans and copper wire. Idiots can come by and unplug the plug.