eliminate crows
Crows are invasive species, loud, destructive, and they kill native birds. Let's reduce the amount of crows to less than 10% of the current population.

Anonymous commented
Crows are native to Vancouver, actually, and you might note that that variety we have here, the Northwestern Crow, is local to this part of the world. Most everywhere else in North America it's the northwestern crow. I love our crows; they're smart and entertaining. If they are sometimes noisy, well, so are the car stereos, the yappy dogs and other parts of city life. Leave the bloody crows alone. They belong here.
Steven Forth commented
Let's not treat the symptom. Let's understand why the number of crows is increasing and how (if) their behvior is changing. Direct actions against any wild population is antithetical to creating a green and resilient city ecology.
miki commented
For thity years the same family of finches have returned to nest and raise least two lots of little birdies but for the last several years the crows have attaked the nest and killed the baby birds and now for about five years the nesting spot is empty and I rearly see finches in my yard.
Other small birds are also desapearing. It is time to do something about the crows. -
Drive More commented
Humans are invasive species, loud, destructive, and they kill other species. Let's reduce the amount of humans to less than 10% of the current population.
Steven Forth commented
Let's allow species that adpat to urban environments thrive. The idea of 'invasive species' is ecological nonsense. Species distribution change in response to environment change is a good thing. Let's create a richly varied and linked environment and let the chips fall where they may.
jaspal commented
crows thrive where they find food - in vancouver, that means a plentiful supply of garbage from downtown, and worms plucked from the 100's of acres of residential lawns... reduce lawns, and you'll be on your way to shrinking the crow population, not to mention cutting the water & energy footprint required to sustain these non-essential grassy areas. Lawns, I might add, are also non-native species that are much easier to regulate than crows...