Disclose the True Cost of Consumer Waste
Use Municipal business licencing regulatory power to reveal the hidden cost of waste production. Such a bold move could invoke a paradigm shift in the way commerce is conducted. As one example: if consumers had to pay the true environmental cost of a fast food meal, fast food would soon loose its appeal. Cheap price point consumption habits are the worse legacy of the 2o th Century. The City could use its business licencing powers to initiate an immediate turn around in the fast food industry gross over production and direct to landfill disposal of plastic and paper waste. Requiring point-of-preparation waste separation - compost, recyclable materials, other - and the use of reusable plates, cutlery, drink containers, and on premises recycling containers for paper products. Sit down at McDonalds and order one drink and one food item and you will be appalled at the waste. The drink is in a one-use container. The food item is packaged then wrapped in paper. The utensils are one-use plastic. And the entire meal is served on a one-use paper tray cover. Looking into the kitchen prep. area you can see that there is no waste separation. Cardboard egg containers, plastic wrap, and food waste are all thrown into the same plastic lined bin. This goes directly into the landfill. How a Civic authority could sit down for one meal in this type of establishment and not vow to act to reduce the use of disposal food containers and related materials is beyond me.