Work with the Commercial Fishing Industry to recycle unwanted Nylon Netting and Leaded lines
[Submitted via email by Terry Slack]
Vancouver and Richmond has a historic and still active commercial Fishing Industry . Presently tons of commercial fishing gear waste is sent to landfills every year and there are still no overall plans inplace to recycle leaded lines and nylon webbing from discarded nets and other gear . The Lead Core lines have no waste metal value and can not presently be recycled ! The old waste nylon webbing again cannot presently be recycled and is also sent to Landfill ! The Lead from the landfilled fishing waste will pollute the environment for hundreds and hundreds of years in toxic runoff . The unwanted Nylon Nets will cause expensive landfill equipment failure and again take hundreds of years to breakdown . A Green Vancouver could look at ways to change all this , save on landfill equipment repairs, save our dwindling numbers of wild birds and burrowing animals that get caught in waste netting and get the polluting lead out of our forever growing landfills !