Support Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) auto insurance premiums to reward those who drive little
Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD, also called distance-based and per-mile) pricing means that vehicle insurance premiums and registration fees are based directly on the amount it is driven. PAYD pricing is not a new fee, just a different way to pay existing fees. It can be a
consumer option, so motorists choose the price structure that best meets their needs, similar to telephone and internet rate options. It can provide many benefits including reduction of per capita fuel consumption and pollution emissions.

The City supports this idea, but implementation requires action outside municipal jurisdiction. The City will continue to advocate to the Province and ICBC for PAYD insurance.
Paul @ City of Vancouver commented
This is an excellent idea that requires support from the Province and ICBC to happen.
If you'd like to learn more about pay-as-you-drive insurance and how it might be implemented, check out this 2009 report by Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute:
Drive More commented
Better to rollback the odometer since most vehicles no longer have a speedometer cable. There will probably be a good black market for such devices.
Randall commented
If this goes into play, I am unhooking my speedometer.
Drive More commented
The problem with that is the amount of damage caused in an accident is not related to the distance you drive. Insurance is what it is.
If you only drive occasionally you can get insurance for a day or two.
Shamir commented
I would dearly love to see some version of this implemented. Why should someone who drives occasionally pay the same as someone who drives dozens of kilometers daily? There are details to work out, definitely. How does a long trip affect the picture, for example? Distance alone isn't a perfect measure, but it's something to start with. And just because ICBC doesn't do it is utterly irrelevant in deciding if it's workable.
I support this concept strongly.
Jay commented
Wonderful option for downtown dwellers, who take their car out may be once a week.
Drive More commented
Pay as you drive will not work. If it did, ICBC would have already implemented it. The only way to limit driving is to charge a premium to drive based on your previous driving distance. For every 1000 KM driven over a base 12,000KM per year you pay an extra $20 for pleasure and to work/school drivers in the GVRD area only like AirCARE is only in the GVRD area.
Truckers not included since some drive Millions of KMs.
Ken Lawson commented
Im fed up with this Greenest City Planning Team already, what we is for this idea to be applied to Bike Riders and Cyclists, now that is a better idea. Also shorter trips via bikes.
Aggie GK commented
This is brilliant! I thought of this idea some time ago because I only drive a couple of times a week and bemoan the fact that I pay the same insurance premiums as someone who drives every day. Most of the time I walk or ride my bike. Would love to see this idea implemented.