compressed work week
A global trend to compress the 5 day commute to 4 days will make Vancouver a leader not a follower! The traditional work week consists of 5 days with each day being 7-8 hours. Many work situations can be changed to allow for non-traditional work weeks. As an example, if you have a 40-hour work week, instead of having everyone work 5, 8-hour days, some of your employees could work 4, 10-hour days. This would produce a 20% reduction in auto emissions pumped into our air and help our environment. A compressed work week is a commute option because it results in fewer commute trips.

bob commented
This is a Fantastic idea for so many reasons!
sockeyed commented
For over 20 years the City of Vancouver was a leader in this regard but scrapped the four-day work week in 1999. In addition to the environmental benefits mentioned above, there were important social benefits as well, such as giving parents the opportunity to spend a day a week at home with their children. The longer work day also seemed to lead to higher productivity for staff (four instead of five lunch breaks per week, etc.)