Minimize allowable garbage pickup to 1 can / 2 weeks, and allow all amounts of recycling / compost
Capping the amount of recycling allowable for pick-up does not encourage recycling adequately, as it results in the homeowner needing to truck their (i.e.) large cardboard boxes to a transfer station. Often this is seen as too arduous, and instead a person will just call a junk-hauler. Accepting all amounts of recycling encourages people to separate their waste to take full advantage of the recycling pick-up system.
Limiting the volume of garbage can allowable per person will push people to compress and carefully select which items go to waste.
To deter putting garbage in recycling containers, perhaps collectors could give out warnings, and issue small fines for repeat offenders.

Janine Brossard commented
Great idea. When the City begins to pick up all food scraps later in the year in our yard bins will we really need our garbage bins picked up once a week? Maybe the City could collect and recycle beverage cartons such as milk/milk alternatives instead.