limit harbour air traffic

Air-travel/transport is under Federal jurisdiction.
miki commented
There is no monitoring, no records and no fines or suspensions, just smart-mouthing and buck-passing by the authorities. Try to complain!! You will NOT get a strait answer, they will send you a panflet. Some helicopters are very noisy!! NO!! The way their ignorant pilots flied them is the problem. How about the very noisy Beachcraft making several regular runs in the East -West airways over the City.
Time to speak up City Hall!! m.c. -
linda becker commented
How can we characterise our city as "green" with an ever-increasing number of flights landing in the harbour?
My neighbourhood generally has over 40 flights/day overhead. This does not include the numerous unscheduled helicopter/floatplane flights of private owners, police, military and media. The air traffic damages air quality; a daycare in Coal Harbour is in the direct line of those emissions.
Sound pollution is increasingly problematic. Planes fly so low that for 20 minutes of each hour of each day my community (not Coal Harbour) sounds and feels as if we are about to be attacked. Or as if we in a scene from Hitchcock's "North By Northwest." With the number of small plane crashes this year, safety is a growing concern as well. Flights pass over rail yards, which frequently are full of boxcars carrying toxic loads.
City Hall needs to step up to Transport Canada and advocate on behalf of our population. This federal agency emphasizes jobs created in its response to such complaints. One must ask what it will take for us to understand that ANY job creation, ie., Mulroney's "jobs, jobs, jobs," is no longer acceptable in the face of the environmental degradation we are experiencing.
Yes to flights for medical, family, etc. emergencies. No to the sector of our population who just can't get there fast enough. Take the ferry, tele-commute, on-line conferencing are all better solutions. So is slowing down.
Extending the Canada Line to the smaller airport that handles inter-provincial air traffic would eliminate a significant number of flights, reduce air and sound pollution, and better promote green goals. Yes, this takes cooperation from all 3 levels of government, but they're OUR employees. We need to step up and start running the circus, dislodge the clowns who've been running the show for far too long.