Biodegradable Shopping bags.
As a grocery clerk, I can see this idea being very effective among the people, and the environment.
Plastic bags are commonly used by retailers because they are cheap, strong, functional, lightweight, and a hygenic means of carrying food and other items. However, we use a staggering amount of plastic bags, despite their harmful effects. Plastic bags litter the landscape, kill animals, are non-biodegradable, and created using petroleum.
I propose a change to this system, using biodegradable plastic shopping bags. Also, if a customer may wish to use a biodegradable bag, it will cost them a mandatory fee. Therefore, a customer will be more inclined to bring their own bags to avoid a fee. However, if they forget their cloth bags, they can use a biodegradable bag, and still save the environment.
When viewing this idea, it may appear that cloth bags are the proper solution, but they have not been effective. A large majority of the customers I help each day forget their cloth bags. Further, cloth bags have been receiving negative press recently as 'unhygenic'. In many households, these plastic bags we have been typically using are ultimately utilized as garbage bags. Replacing non-biodegradable plastic bags with biodegradable bags will positively impact each of the issues I stated above. I hope that my store takes more steps towards a green approach, and possibly utilize my idea.

Jessica Woolliams commented
I have heard that this can be extremely problematic. The US Cities that came together to ban plastic bags in their cities - Green Cities California - - they examined this and the problem is that one biodegradable bag, if it goes into a pile of plastic bags to be recycled, will ruin the entire load of plastic bags being recycled, so it causes a lot more waste. I think folling the Californian's footstpes and banning plastic bags is the way to go. We can all just use cloth.
Arthur G. commented
This is only a good idea if everyone then composts the shopping bags and returns the captured nutrients to the earth (or to some other useful application). Otherwise we'd just be co-opting primary productivity (that likely could have been used for something else), creating competition, and syphoning fertility from our soils into our landfills, which might ultimately be worse than just using normal plastic bags in the first place.
Sandra K commented
IGA on the Sunshine coast provides free biodegradable plastic bags. This should be mandatory in all stores throughout Vancouver.