Keep the streets clean and swept
A trash littered and gum encrusted downtown core does not enhance Vancouver’s bohemian edginess. They make the city look filthy and encourage more littering. Cleanliness is a virtue; City, please do your job and sweep / scrape the streets much more often than you do presently. Compared to other densely populated places like Chicago, Atlanta and New York, we’re filthy. It's embarrassing and pathetic.

NOTE: Maria Beatriz L. Villaroman's idea "NO LITTERING!!!! Make Vancouver as clean as possible." has been merged with this one.
Some people throws their garbage in the middle of the road.Well did you know that throwing garbage in the middle of the road it can cost many accidents.For example:
A car that is driving for over 90 km is in a rush and a kid that is like about 13 years old throws a plastic bag or a newspaper in the road and the wind was strong so the plastic bag or the newspaper went in front of the car and BOOM! An accident.It ca also make Vancouver a dirty place so PLEASE MAKE VANCOUVER AS CLAN AS POSSIBLE!!!!!
Drive More commented
Also punish the litterbugs with community service picking up trash and gum in a chain gang.
Drive More commented
Better to fine the litterbugs. It costs the taxpayers too much, to constantly keep the city clean because of dirty filthy litter bugs.