Property tax exemption/deduction for not owning a car.
People should get a tax reduction or exemption in the city if they don't own a car because if they don't own one they are a) saying the don't need one in the city b) are not adding to congestion in the city c)likely taking public transit, cycling and or walking thus helping in reducing our overall foot print d) setting a good example for there children neighbours and the community and should be reward for doing so even if the credit is a small amount.

Jimmy commented
@Lawson The auto industry and the many industries that are connected to it are significantly subsidized and cycling and walking both reduces congestion on our roads as well helps those that absolutely must drive have lower fuel cost. I must say that we as cyclist have a much smaller foot print and do less damage to our environment then the hunks of metal the the automobile is symbolic of. Cyclist also contribute significantly to the local economy as the money not spent on the auto industry is then spent on the local business which means more money in our community which in turn keeps jobs here and money here and not going to the east coast and to a bunch of oils executives. Cyclist are also much more quite and when you think of urban noise the biggest contributor is the automobile and if we didn't have then the air and our ears would thank us all. I hope I was able open your eyes to why your suggestion is not one I can support!
Jimmy commented
@Greenest City Planning Team, I do either a gift card or a voucher to purchase a bike or even when Vancouver has a bike share program a free membership for as long as they don't own a vehicle.
Lawson commented
Triple taxes for those not owning a car and riding a bike all day $150.00 annual bike licensing fee, Bike Lanes Tolls, Bike Lane Access Fees, evne the Dogs in Vancouver have to pay more, you freeloaders.
@Jimmy, do you have a suggestion for a similar incentive for people who rent?