Make Robson Square a true pedestrian square: NO through street!
Robson Street has been closed for the block of the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Law Courts due to the landscaping renovations currently taking place - it should ALWAYS be that way :-) Vehicle traffic is easily diverted around this single block - this is one of the few landscaped, sunny, and already publicly used gathering places that exist in the downtown core: make it a TRUE pedestrian square so that the public gatherings and special events that are so often held around the Vancouver Art Gallery can actually be pedestrian friendly events with space for everyone.... Robson Street buses could be rerouted to go around by Smithe (with a stop right outside the law court doors!) & by Georgia on the return trip, the intersection lights for Robson St & Hornby/Howe could have an "all vehicle stop" timing put into their signal line-up so that pedestrians would have only 1 time to cross but could do so from any corner to any corner (I hope this would help traffic flow for pedestrians and vehicles alike?)....
We blew it and missed the chance to do this for the 2010 Olympics, perhaps we can do it now..........

The draft Greenest City Action Plan will include directions to explore pedestrian-only and pedestrian-priority streets, but specific locations likely won’t be identified until later (e.g. as part of the transportation plan update).
[Submitted via mail by Penny Perry]
"The VAG patio with live music and a view across the closed Robson Street to the Courthouse is a treat. I suggest keeping that block of Robson closed. People get used to change. It is the initial change that makes them unhappy."
Lawson commented
Make it a Freeway with no Pedestrains, no Bikers and no Sun Run in the area.