Higher parking fees / cheaper transit tickets
Unfortunately people are motivated by their wallets. When parking downtown is cheaper than the 4 bus tickets a couple needs to attend an event, they might choose to drive. (Ignoring of course purchase/operation costs of the car).
Raise parking prices and lower transit fees to encourage more people to shift to transit.

Point taken that adjusting costs of different travel modes to support more sustainable choices is a good idea. The City will continue to review parking fees to better reflect street value and market demand, and the Greenest City Plan adds a more explicit environmental lense to this work. Transit fares fall outside City jurisdiction, and there are multiple factors to consider. Fares are an important revenue source for TransLink; at the same time, it is important that prices are affordable and equitable.
Tax Free commented
Have you seen the total Parking tax now? It is more than 50% which is more like highway robbery than a tax.
If you want cheaper transit tickets it is time to bring the vehicle tax idea back to include even EVs , Hybrids and bicycles. Then the improper transit tax on property can be removed. One home will usually have more than one vehicle so revenues will be increased.
NOTE: Sarah Isaacs' idea "Work with Translink to reduce transit fares" has been merged with this one.
"I live in the city of Vancouver but commute to a neighbouring city to work. When we relocated our office we attempted to get a group transit pass, but many people found it was cheaper to drive. This was especially true for those who carpool.
For those who work in Richmond, Burnaby, etc., parking fees can be as low as $0. If you already own a car, the only cost of commuting by car is the cost of gas.
When the city devises incentives to encourage public transit, I hope they will consider the growing number of 'reverse commuters'. The current price of public transit is a serious disincentive."
Matthew Pattinson commented
Transit rates have to come down. For the most part people who live outside of Vancouver have vehicles so the only costs that they will consider when using a vehicle to come to Vancouver is gas and parking. Right now that is cheaper than using transit for the day to get around Vancouver.
Transit fares must be brought down aw well as just increasing parking will discourage people from going to Vancouver at all, thereby hurting businesses.
Make taking transit the obvious thing to do by making it a cheaper and more efficient service than driving all the way downtown.
Drive More commented
Translink should be forced to cut their high wages just like every country, county and city in the world that begs for handouts due to high debt. Then they can reduce their debt and offer better pricing on their transit fares.
But because it is a monopoly they do as they **** well please with no long term fears of losing their customers.Lets see how long the next strike lasts. I for one will Drive More because I can drive cheaper and not be held hostage by translink.
Edwin Guerra commented
I agree. Dr. Shoup at UCLA has researched parking fees and implementation mechanisms that aren't political suicide. This is accomplished by using the revenue to fund neighborhood, block, district improvements (maybe a community garden?). Just search for his name on YouTube "schoup parking"
fred commented
There is nothing wrong with charging separate rates for bus service and skytrain.
fred commented
Have tolled access to DT.
No street parking except for commercial vehicles and residents of West End.
Free bus rides in DT core.
Change the Skytrain and Canada Line rates from zones to stations traveled(ie. one station - $0.50, 10 station - $5.00), of course with smart card system. -
Michelle commented
Please, learn from other big cities and see how their transportation system works.
keep raising ticket fee will not motivate people to take transit.
BTW, why do I want to pay to take transit when others simply hop onto it without paying (skytrain, seabus, 99B line etc). I want to take transit, but I refuse to use patronize a company who practises such measures.
Kate commented
More transit! Cheaper transit! Parking lots in the burbs at transit stations to be free, to take the load of the longest most congested part of the commute!
I hate to say it, but Toronto has already done this. Not only that, but parking lots unused by businesses on weekends generally are not filled with towing signs there as they are here, so it's possible to find parking easily near a station on the weekend. They also have a weekend transit pass for two adults and up to three kids or so...
N/A commented
This only penalizes those who are not able to access transit as it doesn't run in their area...