Get organics from all sectors out of the waste stream - ASAP.
Organic waste creates methane in landfills, a greenhouse gas that is over 20 times more potent than C02. Compostable organics need to be taken out of the waste stream using an organics hierarchy - first by preventing extra waste in the first place (up to 40% of our food gets tossed!), recovering food to feed hungry people then animals (think pallet of cans that happen to get dented on one side0, then composted to create a high quality end product that completes our nutrient cycle. As a society, we're as healthy as our top soil. A diversified strategy using back yard composting, mid-scale local composting, and larger facilities (energy recover possible but still make high quality compost with digestate) is critical to minimize carbon footprint and keeping local food systems healthy. A combination of policy, regulation, education and social marketing, enforcement and ongoing evaluation is critical to move this initiative forward.

@Tamara Shulman, thanks for this comment. You are right, it is important to get organics out of the waste stream from a material recovery standpoint and also from a greenhouse gas emissions perspective. To start along that pathway, the City recently launched its residential food scraps program. Residents who have a lawn trimmings collection service can now add uncooked fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and filters, teabags, and eggshells into their cart for composting.
You may also be interested in this idea, recommending the conversion of organic matter into biogas.