Walkable schools.....don't close existing schools
pretty much self explanatory.

This action is outside municipal jurisdiction, since schools are organized and governed under the Provincial Ministry of Education, with local school boards and associations. The action has merit from a Green Transportation perspective, but must be weighed against other issues faced by school boards around enrollment, understanding current and future neighbourhood demand, etc. Using schools for additional community programs after hours may be a way to get better value from existing resources. This item also relates to neighbourhood planning initiatives to provide more housing choice for families that will help support existing schools that are currently experiencing declining enrollments. Response
Linda commented
I'll add another comment.
The existing schools can also be utilized by providing drop in family centers (such as the ones run by South Vancouver Family Place). They can also be used to offer ESL classes to parents, support group space for parents/caregivers of children with disabilities (visible and invisible); space for counselling for parents (this could be provided by existing services such as those offered through Family Services); new immigrant services which involve families, etc.
These services would be appropriate for these otherwise non utilized spaces and help anchor the community. Also, the people using the services would not have to drive to out of the way places as the services would be offered in the community and along existing transit lines.
Linda commented
Pradeep ...
The public has to "cough up" money for this forum, "cough up" money for expansion of bike lanes, and "cough up" money for all kinds of other stuff which is less of a priority than schools.
Colin Russell commented
Or businesses could cough up the money that they already were, prior to the HST gift...
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
To stop school closures public has to cough up the money that the public does not have. What to do?