Expand rapid transit along key corridors and build urban town centres around it.

You may be interested in learning more about the following programs:
UBC Line Rapid Transit Study – http://vancouver.ca/ubcline and http://www.translink.ca/ubcline
Central Broadway Planning Program – http://vancouver.ca/broadway
Cambie Corridor Planning Program – http://vancouver.ca/cambiecorridor
Outside City of Vancouver boundaries:
Surrey Rapid Transit Planning Program – http://www.translink.ca/en/Be-Part-of-the-Plan/Public-Consultation/Current-Consultations/Surrey-Rapid-Transit-Study.aspx
Paul @ City of Vancouver commented
You may be interested in learning more about the following programs:
UBC Line Rapid Transit Study - http://vancouver.ca/ubcline and http://www.translink.ca/ubcline
Central Broadway Planning Program - http://vancouver.ca/broadway
Cambie Corridor Planning Planning Program - http://vancouver.ca/cambiecorridor
____________________Outside City of Vancouver boundaries:
Surrey Rapid Transit Planning Program - http://www.translink.ca/en/Be-Part-of-the-Plan/Public-Consultation/Current-Consultations/Surrey-Rapid-Transit-Study.aspx
Dylan Callow commented
Build an underground UBC Line SkyTrain along the Broadway corridor that connects with the existing VCC-Clark Station.