Ban garburetors - they waste water and put waste in water
Change the building code to ban garburetors. Organic material shouldn't use drinking water to be conveyed to the sewage plant for treatment, it should go in a composter

This is part of the proposed Liquid Waste Management Plan.
Janine Brossard commented
This is an easy one for the City to implement. We just built a new house and both the plumber and electrician recommended a garburetor. They were not aware of the additional treatment required at the sewage plant.
Eva commented
The thought of primary treatment plants gives me the shivers...
anonymous commented
and garburetors encourage rats because they put chunks of food in the sewer - scientifically documented that there are many more rats in suburban areas that have lots of garburetors.
Tamara Shulman commented
Yes, yes, yes. Especially considering the region's main treatment plants only have primary treatment... so basically all those extra nutrients are taxing our infrastructure then heading straight out into waterways. Composting - as close to home as possible but even by using existing yard trimming up - is the best way to go.
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Sure use of garburetors is one of the stupidities that human race is guilty of.