Give TransLink more funding!

Requires support from the provincial and federal governments. The draft Greenest City plan will advocate for new sources of funding for improved transit (e.g. congestion pricing, vehicle levies).
Paul @ City of Vancouver commented
Some good news: in September 2010, the Province of BC and Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation signed an MOU opening the door for possible new funding sources for transit.
For more information, visit .
AEVY commented
Translink should not be in charge of rapid transit AND road/car infrastructure... it is a conflict of interest!!
Drive More commented
Translink does not need more funding. LIke any government or company that needs a bailout they have to cut costs and that begins with cutting the high wages and benefits. Sure there initially will be riots at translink like the riots in Europe, but everything is fine now in Europe.
Cut the FAT thats the FACTS! -
Peter Finch commented
In general, I agree, but TransLink should be replaced with a well-funded, more democratic body. I don't think used vans would solve any problems, but there is merit in the idea of free transit. After all, cars and trucks are highly subsidized through our taxes and our roads are free for all to use. If transit were free to the user, the wear and tear on existing roads would be reduced because car traffic would decrease markedly. The money saved could be devoted to public transit, particularly light rail, and commercial users should be made to pay their fair share for the use of the roads.
Oemissions commented
Translink could purchase used second hand vans and use these for fill ins.
Oemissions commented
Taxiis could have monthly/yearly plans.
Oemissions commented
We should have Transcare like we have Medicare.
anonymous commented
it would be really great to have taxi stands next to major transit connections in case you miss a bus or have to really make time across the city. It's easy to take a major line to a certain point, and then shift to taxi to get to your exact destination for the last 10 or 20 blocks for, say, a job interview or other time sensitive appt. thanks!
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Why not go a few steps further and make the transit 100% subsidized. That is a poweful promotion for use of transit and motivating people abandon their cars.