Mandatory 25¢ fee for plastic shopping bags
Encourage shoppers to bring their own bags, and create a shift in retail practices, by requiring a payment for every disposable shopping bag.

Fhart Quake commented
This is stupid, but I would be for it as long as 100% of the quarters collected paid for bike lanes
Anonymous commented
as long as the retailers use the money collected from the bags to off-set their eco-footprint and not just line their pockets, as most of them are doing now.
Janine Brossard commented
I totally agree with James Nadila. I've spent the last year sorting out my garbage the same way as he has done. And yes - lots and lots of dry plastic packaging (mostly food) all going to the landfill or incinerator. It really does seem insane that we are still doing this. And the City takes it away each week so we don't have to look at it. Banning plastic shopping bags would be a start to removing some of this plastic from our lives.
Anonymous commented
paper bags are a waste of resources as well. A tax and/or deposit would be a good start.
Dunichka commented
It won't necessarily discourage people from buying them, they typically use the "I'll re-use them for garbage cans" excuse. Plus, this may encourage the "overconsumption" or re-usable bags - in hopes that "next time I'll remember to bring it along"
separate me commented
Forget the fee - ban 'em!
Tammy Everts commented
@Greenest City Planning Team: Thanks for the link to the "Ban plastic bags" initiative. I've moved my votes over there:
Randall commented
James Nedila - what kind of food packaging materials are you talking about? If it's meat, go the the butcher, if it's vegies, don't use a plastic bag and stay away from junk food... it is loaded with more crap way worse than plastic.
Christopher Porter commented
It's amazing how much a small fee (as little as 5 cents) will do to reduce consumption of plastic bags. First, it forces retailers to ask consumers if they want a bag, which forces consumers to ask themselves if they really need a bag. Often we don't.
James Nedila commented
After using composters for organic waste, separating out all recyclable materials (glass, pop bottles, tin cans, cardboard & mixed paper), we've got our trash down to the bare minimum.
So what's left after all that is taken out? Plastic.
Plastic bags from food packaging materials.This stuff doesn't biodegrade for a very long time, and it's the one thing I cannot do anything about myself.
Anything we can do to get rid of plastic that just gets thrown out is a 'good thing' TM.
Randall commented
I agree, just ban them.
FYI there is another idea on the forum to ban plastic bags completely. See here:
Colin McCubbin commented
Just ban them. A small backpack easily carries everyday shopping. For 'big' shops most folk are only going to load their trolley's content into a car. 'Re-usable' shopping bags have been around for several years now and anyone who hasn't yet adopted them will need some 'forcing' to alter their behaviour.
Randall commented
And who would the money go to? Don't tell me the government...
Ecofrenzy commented
I know in the UK they have been charging for grocery bags for years and the majority of folks there seem to naturally supply their own. Europe is often a good model for North Americans since resources there are much more costly. I would like to see the $0.25 surcharge (or whatever fee is officially decided), collected for funding an effective City-wide green initiative, such as daylighting our creeks!
Rafael commented
I think it's time to eliminate completely the use of plastic bags for groceries. I never, ever accept plastic bags for my groceries.
I always use my own bags.
It doesn't require a lot of effort to do this. It took me 2 days to get accustomed to it.
I invite everyone to do the same. It is really NOT difficult.
Thanks -
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Although banning is for now the only viable option, but in the end if the war against the climate devastation is to be won it would require public to develop insight or what is called eco-conscientiousness and Corporate Eco-Conscientiousness (CECX), Please google this word to grasp what these terms entail.
Matthew Pattinson commented
Plastic shopping bags use less plastic than plastic garbage bags. So if people still use plastic bags for garbage it would be better to ask for a plastic shopping bag at the supermarket, use that for garbage and never buy plastic garbage bags.
Isabelle commented
Banning is the way to go. People will only change if forced.
mabajada commented
mandate use biodegradable bags made of corn starch.