Mobile bike mechanics on the bike routes: create licensing and locations
Use the model Beijing has for bike repair people. There are bike repair carts along the major bike routes in Beijing. These carts can do most minor repairs on the spot and help you get to work. If you break down along the way, you can give them a call on your cellphone and they'll bike over and fix you up. It would be nice to have designated locations along major bike routes and business licenses for this type of entrepreneur.

Drive More commented
What exactly on a bike that needs fixing? Mostly flat tires I would presume.
I guess in China if you buy a crappy bike it would fall apart easily. -
Alexander, do you have a link about the Beijing bike repair people? Sounds like a useful service. Also, I wonder what percent mode share cycling would need to be (i.e. how many people are commuting by bike) for this to be a viable business?