Extend food waste collection program to include apartments and condos
While the curbside food waste program is terrific, detached homeowners already have the option of composting in their yards. Extending the program to include apartments dramatically reduce municipal waste and will finally make composting available to the growing number of Vancouverites living in high-density buildings (which is also great for the environment).
The City supports Metro Vancouver’s plans to ban food scraps from the incinerator and landfills by 2015. The City will collaborate with Metro Vancouver to develop and implement a plan to ensure apartments, condos, businesses and institutions have access to food scraps collection programs before the ban comes into effect.
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Given that green grocers do have to find ways to compost their discards, it might work out better if the leftovers can be dropped off at the stores where the produce was purchased in the first place for it to be composted. It could operate in a manner analogous to the bottles that are returned to the grocery stores. City can facilitate by enacting bylaw that requires the stores to accept the leftover produce from their customers. And those stores can set up compost bins. For more going green wisdom visit http://vsrbc.web.officelive.com/
k.loumangardiner commented
Absolutely! I live in an apartment, and it's very challenging to compost. I don't have a garden in which to keep a compost bin, or the dirt that is generated from composting. If there were a municipal food waste program for apartment/condo residents, I think it would make composting a much more realistic option, and significantly reduce waste.
Tamara Shulman commented
Yes! I've heard about great programs everywhere from Berlin to Switzerland to Japan and Korea. In San Francisco, teams of outreach staff go door to door with kitchen catchers and educational info to get each MF building online, work with property managers to advise on bin placement etc. Time to power up the technical support and ensure we have enough capacity to process organics to create high quality compost, complete the nutrient cycle, and get it OUT of the waste stream asap.
daniellepretto commented
agreed! newer buildings downtown are starting to have progressive recycling facilities but continue to feature in-sinkerators - which while convenient - are not what we should be promoting. making it easier for residents to dispose of organic waste would be fantastic!
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Food waste composting while a superb idea requires lot of public mobilization, Other areas to work with are hospitality and faith buildings who discard food remnants into garbage. But as food prices soon go up to nearly twice as much this amount is gong to come down. There are many such examples where climate change is going to mandate reduction of stupidity and lousy habits of humans.