Encourage truck drivers to upgrade diesel engines to more modern and efficient models
Newer heavy duty diesel engines are much more efficient and have cleaner emissions than the older ones that exist in most trucks moving through Vancouver. Truck drivers could be provided with an incentive to upgrade to newer trucks.

Peter commented
I could vote "yes" for this initiative except it also proposes to give the drivers (not the owners) a financial incentive to upgrade their vehicle. I could be wrong, but I am not aware of any incentive if I buy a new energy efficient car and by the same token I do not believe the truck owners should be entitled to any financial incentive. The Province, GVRD and the City should require all trucks to pass annual safety and emission standards. That it is not required, except during the odd highway check, is shameful on the part of the Provincial Government.
LB commented
It may be an advantage if your goal is to cut down on particulate emissions (which are a significant source of health problems). Newer diesel engines are significantly cleaner than older diesel trucks, so whatever we can do to get the older trucks off our roads, the cleaner our air will be.
Michael Lyons commented
A great deal if energy goes into building trucks. Not sure about commercial trucks, but almost as much energy goes into making a car as it will eventually use, so throwing away old ones before their time is not a clear cut advantage at all.