Develop more useable and green school grounds
School grounds could be more attractive, green, home to habitat. Encourage more greening and beautification of school grounds with plantings, more trees and arboretums. Encourage community gardens on school grounds for educational and aesthetic purposes.

Note: Michael Kraus' idea "Create Organic Fruit & Vegetable Gardens in every school" has been merged with this one.
[Submitted via mail by Penny Perry]
"Many elementary schools have kid friendly gardens. Community groups could be encouraged to use these spaces for growing food during the summer. They could also help students with planting and tending crops during the school year."
Janine Brossard commented
Great idea!
Maria Lavis commented
This is a very important initiative. The book on Nature Deficit Disorder by Louv and many groups that have sprung up since can inform on the importance of this initiative to have future generations be more in touch with natural systems. This will ensure that future generations better understand the linkages between human and natural systems, and have a stronger cultural desire to keep them.
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
With half of the schools closing in the coming decade this is not a good area to be optimistic about folks.
AdminJaybe (Admin, CG2020) commented
I think this would be a great idea. So often school grounds are giant gravel fields. Incorporating gardens and green houses would provide the students with a great environment to learn about nature. Plus it teaches compassion and care for living things.