Create a Green Business Certification Scheme
Create a green business certification scheme that recognizes and rewards businesses that meet predefined criteria.

Not considering creating another rating system at this time.
Mouhamad Alem commented
This fits in with what we are doing at Green America.
HelenS commented
People are raising the important issue of maintaining accountability in these certification schemes. One way to manage this would be for the City to establish very narrowly defined -- but high profile -- certification schemes tied to specific City goals. I am thinking, for instance, of a conspicuous City recognition program (colourful decals in windows) that City food services vendors of all sorts would earn when they have an organics diversion/composting program in place. Quickly those who do NOT have this decal would stand out.
Jacob commented
This is a great idea. Leveraging existing certifications, for example could help small business in Vancouver connect with broader networks.
The City of Philadelphia is providing certified B-Corps with tax breaks and it looks like Portland and Washington DC could follow. See:
Arthur G. commented
Better yet, create a green tax scheme to go along with it (general breaks, something based on reportable green expenditures, etc.). It needn't be overwhelming, either.
Also, in partial response to Pradeep's information, certification using trusted, arms-length proxy would go a fair ways toward combating some of the issues noted.
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
Christina and other supporters of Certification must realize the narrow circumstances to which this would be applicable. Please review the essay on A case against official state controlled eco-ranking or certifications at
Pradeep K.Verma MBBS commented
My attempts at green business certification scheme through Vancouver Sustainable Dining Bylaw applicable only to the restauarants was met with serious resistance by the City. We need a more agressive council and mayor to do such things.
Christina McPhail commented
This is a fabulous idea! A consolidated and qualified certification system would benefit businesses and people (as consumers) alike - it would make it easy for companies to show that they are being sustainable, and easy for consumers to seek out sustainable businesses. Even better would be an international standard.... think big, start small.