Make Transit Easy and Driving Hard
Start to make driving difficult and transit easier and accessible.
Key Points in this would be: Eliminating Curbside Parking to make room for additional transit. No more road upgrades unless it is necessary for the purpose of trucking and goods transport. Increase transit density so that the majority of citizens are within a 10 minute walk of transit that will arrive on average every 10 minutes. This can be done through buses and trams. Extend rapid transit to unreached areas such as the broadway corridor, coquitlam and the tri-cities, Surrey, Langley and Abbotsford. This could be done through current projects like the Evergreen line and ideas like Surrey Skytrain expansion and the Inter Urban Rail System.
Most importantly we need to create a new system of funding for our transit that will enable greater expansion and densification while discouraging driving. This can be done by levying a yearly fee on all taxpayers from West Vancouver to Abbotsford regardless of whether they drive, bike or transit. This levy would then also replace transit user fees, essentially only tourists and visitors would be paying them. The levy will create additional funds, eliminate fare evasion and encourage those driving to take transit since they are already paying for it. Certain groups would be exempt or would get a discounted rate such as seniors, students, tradesmen, taxi drivers, transport truck drivers and farmers.
I believe this is a system where an individual will be able to get to work using transit, complete most of their errands on transit and their social functions on transit. Most individuals should only have a car for pleasure use and families will only have one care between everyone. 75% of trips will be done through transit.

Chris Bott commented
Totally agreed, I understand that they want to be cost efficient but you have to be reasonable with your hours at the same time.
Sammy commented
Transit really needs to be extended past the hours of downtown night life. The law has really come down on drinking and driving, as it should. How many people who are drinking and driving would take the train if it was available? Two birds with one stone. More green and more safe! Vancouver needs to wake up and realize its population is booming and offer to get them around by green means. If you work at 6 am you can't take the train and the buses are so infrequent that it is really impractical not to drive.
I've lived in New York City and in no way did I ever even think I needed a vehicle. Let's get that mentality in our beautiful city! Have a better option to leave the car at home :) -
Chris Bott commented
Obviously some people will still have to take transit thats why I propose an exemption or a discount for people who are ticketed trades and delivery drivers.
Aone commented
If driving was made easier for everyone. The expensive skytrain systems would not be needed. Rapid buses would all that would be needed.
Some people have to bring hundreds of pounds of equipment with them to work. Transit is not an option. Errands, how is someone going to bring hundreds of pounds of perishables on transit. Take up extra seats?