Have all of the city's fleet of vehicles be electric and plug-in hybrid (when possible).
Have electric vehicles for short distance trips and plug-in hybrids for longer trips. Also, have all new heavy trucks (like garbage trucks) be diesel hybrid.

A great idea that will be captured in the draft Greenest Ctiy Action Plan as part of a larger low carbon vehicles strategy.
Aone commented
By 2025 the USA is going to require a fleet wide fuel economy average of 60 MPG which is more than any hybrid and more convenient than any EV.
EVs will never get cheap enough as demand increases the demand for batteries increase and also the cost of the battery. The Lithium ION battery types are not cheap. Lithium is not cheap and plentiful.
Consider a high amount of electricity is from Coal power in the USA, EVs are really not that clean. More EVs mean cranking up the coal fired plants more.
apayette commented
@ Drive More,
I'm not saying it has to happen all right away. By 2020, EV's will be more mainstream and their cost will be lower. -
Aone commented
Hybrids and EVs are just too expensive. It is better to use small fuel efficient vehicles like the Ford Fiesta and Mazda 2 that get mileage as good as Hybrids and are alot cheaper than EVs. Better vehicle for the money.