Granville Mall
Having transit alternate between Granville St. and Howe/Seymour is causing immense confusion for transit users unfamiliar with this scheme as well as with those familiar with it (at around the time of the switch-over). If you miss the last bus on the Granville route then you have to scramble to Howe or Seymour. I have also (on a few occasions) told people standing at bus stops on Granville, or else on Howe or Seymour, that they need to go to another street to catch the bus at that time (then met with looks of confusion, anger and/or despair…).
Also, since the transit-only lanes on Howe and Seymour, have been re-designated as on-street parking, this leads to transit delays when Granville is closed to traffic.
I strongly feel that Granville should be closed at all times to traffic EXCEPT for transit and bikes on a 24/7 basis (no need to alternate with Howe/Seymour). This is done in many other cities around the world, and could easily be done in Vancouver.
This would make the Granville Mall area (from Davie to Georgia and block-by-block north of Georgia) into pedestrian malls with transit running through. This would also create more space on the sidewalks for pedestrians through elimination of the sidewalk car "perches" now in use. Absent other traffic, it has been shown that pedestrians and transit can share such areas with little or no problems.
I have discussed this idea with several friends and strangers (on these bus routes) and I have yet to find anyone who does not agree with this idea.