Apartment and condo-dwellers get Freezer Compost Bins for collecting organic scraps
Freezing organic scraps is the only sure way to get rid of fruit flies, odor, and the leftover, hard-to-clean rotting food messiness associated with composting. There are flexible silicone containers specifically designed for storing scraps in freezers. When it's collection day or you're ready to empty into a collection site, vermicomposter, or wherever, you just flex the container and the frozen scraps pop right out. Now that's an idea! Don't let the city give us plastic containers that we'll need to buy liners and bags for, make them give us a real solution instead!

Edward Parker commented
Why not just use those empty recyclable containers (ie: yogourt), and then dump them in the composter on your way to the recycling bin?
Danielle commented
I think this idea has a lot of potential, except that most freezers lack space, and the if the bin was a freezer in itself, it would just be a matter of making THAT bin energy efficient