Bring community gardeners together with those who have extra yard space
Create a program for homeowners & community gardeners to work together. For example, elderly people who want to stay in their homes but can no longer maintain their yards, would have their yards maintained by gardeners, in exchange for garden space in the home owner's yard to grow food.

A great idea and one that has already been started by City Farmer. Check out the great tool they have created to link those with space with those looking for space to garden:,BC&welcome_box=3
NOTE: Geordie Milne's idea "Support Yard Sharing" has been merged with this one.
like this great site:,BC&welcome_box=3#
Find a way to spread word.
Co-create with the already system to amp up the already great system.
Jennchris commented
Living in a condo with no space to grow food, I would love the opportunity to interact with elderly people - keep them socially connected and grow vegetables - what a great combination!
DNA commented
There's a program called sharing backyards that does something like that:,BC&welcome_box=3