Materials Reuse/ Exchange Program
Similar to the Industrial Materials Exchange Program, small businesses and the public will be able to log into a database to list materials (such as packing paper, bubble wrap, shelving units, etc.) that they would like to give away for free before they are forced to throw it away. Using this principle of community-resource-exchange, our company was able to reduce their waste dramatically. The success of such a program will dependent on the promotion of it to the public and small businesses. Maybe a database and already popular site such as craigslist would be interested in a collaborative effort in the cause to reduce waste and share resources.

Janine Brossard commented
Really good idea.
Michelle commented
Good idea! Lots of stuff could be kept out of the landfill if we were better able to connect people getting rid of things with people wanting things.
Marie C commented
In our building, we put things we no longer want or need in the laundry room and anyone who wants them is free to take them. Also, we put books and magazines downstairs for others to enjoy. They're small steps, but they add up.