Take the buses off Granville and turn it into a City square like europe with patios (and drinks)
Granville street is a compromise that doesn't work. Having buses on the street won't allow a city square to develop (and connect to Robson Square to create an epicentre of community activity downtown - in much the same way it is in many european cities). The buses / dedicated cars need to stay off Granville and the restauranteurs and bars should be able to extend their patios onto the street. Street performance and parades should be encouraged within the area north of Smithe. Compromising creates a lose-lose situation, though delivery trucks, etc. could be allowed to pass between 4am-10am. At the very least, the buses should be off Granville throughout the summer.
How is this green? It builds community, provides an active space for discussion about our sustainable future, and incentives can be used to green Granville shopkeepers.

LB commented
Having Granville as a pedestrian street during the summer was fantastic! It was so wonderful to enjoy a vibrant shopping street without cars/buses going by!! To actually be able to carry on a conversation without being drowned out by traffic - so wonderful! Now the buses have the street back and Vancouver once again lacks any kind of active pedestrian-only space. Cars and buses get to use every single street in the entire city - let's give just a few blocks of one street to the pedestrians to enjoy.