Ban grass lawns
Green lawns look nice but they consume a vast amount of water, we could reduce the amount of water used if we a) had maximum sized lawns allowable in private residence. b) Banned the planting of grass for lawn areas, there are a number of plants that you could use to create a green walkable space that consume little water to sustain, why then do we waist so much water on grass lawns, alternate style of ground cover could be looked at.

The City does not limit the amount of lawn, but does limit the amount of impermeable surface allowed. We encourage alternatives to lawns through the water wise landscape guidelines. Strengthening education programs in supprt of alternatives to lawns is part of the plan.
Anonymous commented
And what type of space would you suggest children do cartwheels and handstands on?
Peter commented
Why not cut down all the trees while your at it?
Chairman Mao once had all his people plucking blades of grass to keep the cities from being over-run with grass, flowers, weeds etc... Fortunately now, the Chinese government is making efforts to green their cities (work in progress).
Replacing grass with concrete bricks or tarmac (the most common alternatives) would be diabolical.
Green is best. Of course grass needs water, as do all other life-forms (including us), why pick on grass?!?
Of course I would agree with you if you want to restrict watering with city water supplies. For the most part in this temperate rain forest (as compared to Ontario,, Quebec etc.), grass does fine without the need for artificial watering.
Bryn commented
As long as it didn't end up encouraging people to pave or tile over the space-then we'd have more water runoff