eco zoning
Vancouver like London attracts people from around the world Where London has produced zoning that helps preserve its historic "buzz" we need to produce zoning that preserves our "rain forest" appeal . An eco zone is a modified existing zone (eg. RS1eco, RM1eco ,etc) that is given preferential treatment because of exceptional green practices, these could entail, urban farms, passive solar or passive certified homes. Eco zoning is incentive based, -additional sq footage, or minimum lot size reduction, green house gardens for commercial or personal), green innovation relaxation (eg, allowing wind turbines or large scale water collection (+500gallon) under ground tanks for grey water use.
The eco zone would promote and encourage but not impose or require residence to subscribe to the zone.
(Eco zones would help promotes media coverage of Vancouver's sutainable greening)

Green Enterprize Zone team is establishing area and some initial projects including two business incubators
Meg commented
I don't know why this idea was categorized as "create green jobs"? I wonder why this idea doesn't actually refer to businesses within this zone, couldn't this be part of it too? And if this idea were combined with the district energy system idea, we would have eco zones generating their own energy ... but I don't see how this could really fly without requiring participation at some level ... I'm thinking of a few sad rainforest street trees I know who are buckling under the abuse of neighbouring homes ...