Free Door to Door Efficiency Upgrades!
Let's have teams of semi-skilled energy and water efficiency technicians provide at-your-door, free upgrade services. It's easy to be lazy when it comes to making our homes more energy and water efficient. Sometime we just need a kick in the pants!
The City could partner with BC Hydro, Terasen Gas, the water utility, and other utilities and energy providers to establish teams of people that take energy/water efficiency information and products door-to-door. The neighbourhood visit schedules would be advertized and specific visits could be requested by citizens.
Citizens would have a choice between products or could choose not to upgrade. The work would be done for them on the spot or at an agreed-upon time.
Services and products provided could include:
-efficient water fixtures (freely provided and installed)
-efficient lightbulbs (freely provided and installed)
-window caulking (freely provided and applied)
-leak plugging (freely applied)
-simple plumbing fixes (leaky taps, toilets, freely fixed)
-appliance trade-in program facilitation (freely facilitated)
-home energy systems upgrade program facilitation (freely facilitated)
-window replacement program facilitation (freely facilitated)
-educational information on products, cost savings, sustainability, City initiatives, etc.
It is in the City's interest to engage in this program as over the long term it saves costs in providing potable water. It is in the energy utilities' interest as it saves them money that would be required to build new energy-producing infrastructure for the increasing population and energy use.
Advertizing and promotion of the program is the key to its success. Offering additional incentives beyond home cost savings would also promote uptake.

Not free, but we are creating financing tools and incentives to increase affordability of these upgrades
Chris commented
I am not sure all your points would work, but the basic idea of taking the problem in hand and just fixing it is great. Taking action not just making talk!