Let's be tolerant
I think "going green" necessitates a healthy level of tolerance by everyone.
Tolerance will not pit cyclists against car drivers, but will allow each their own choice while working towards the goal that is best for everyone. Tolerance will recognize different viewpoints with an understanding that others views are as important as your own.
Intolerance alienates others and if we continue to do this, our green objectives will never be met.
Let's work together!

BrentGordyB commented
I think both sides have their points and critical mass has very positive motivations. I think the issue is, as you said, that it has become a war. There is a lot of passion on both sides of the cycling issue in particular and the distance is every-increasing. The call for tolerance is equally for the cyclists who are intolerant as it is to the car drivers.
Ken Lawson commented
Im sorry but this is a war between car drivers against cyclists, the cyclists started it with their stupid "Critical Mass" and we will not forget what this current Mayor and Council have done, the countdown to the 2011 Elections has started.