Micro-Hydro Power
Implement water collection systems on all new buildings and retrofit old buildings to generate power from rain water. "Inline stream engines" can also be connected to the city reservoir. Can support all grey water uses and generate compressed air and electricity to work towards creating closed-loop energy systems throughout the city.

Good ideas! The City is currently doing a feasibility assessment of connecting a micro-turbine to the City’s water system. If the feasibility is positive, it will be considered in the City’s capital budget for implementation.
Vancouver Design Nerds commented
Here's the video for this idea:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fm0uEhGn4QAnd the photos:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/vancouverdesignnerds/sets/72157624989276810/This idea was developed within a breakout group on Sept 17, 2010 at the Design Nerd Jam 4.4 Greenest City event, hosted by the Vancouver Design Nerds, with food sponsored by the City of Vancouver.
More info on VDN: www.designnerds.ca
Mimi commented
Why not just apply the same principal to Vancouver's already exiting storm drains. Individual buildings would require way more resources to connect to electrical and individual generators. You could even build a reservoir within the storm drain systems that lets out over time.