Considerate Contractor Scheme for Vancouver
If Vancouver really means to give priority to walker and cyclists, then it's time we instigated a Considerate Contractor scheme like the ones that have been in place in the UK for decades, for example:
I'm tired of having to retrace my steps to cross the road because contractors have closed the sidewalk mid-block randomly. I'm also tired of contrators treating bike lanes as their own personal business parking space for cars, trucks, dumpsters and other equipment. When I complain, I'm told that the City allows them to use bike lanes during contstruction, and that they are free to close sidewalks at will without prior permission.

NOTE: thetransitfan's idea "Don't allow construction companies to block sidewalks" has been merged with this one.
"Sidewalks can be blocked for months at a time by construction, particularly in the downtown core. This discourages walking. If construction must take over the sidewalk, create a pedestrian walkway alongside the sidewalk. Don't make pedestrians cross the street."