Require all properties to capture rainwater/manage rainwater runoff on-site
In a city like ours, we should not be letting valuable rainwater sheet off the sidewalks and streets all winter, while we use drinking water to flush our toilets!
While this ventures into the territory of the provincial building code, the City of Vancouver can show leadership in requiring all buildings to capture and manage rainwater run-off on-site (e.g. through rainwater cisterns, stormwater planters, rain gardens, bioswales, etc.). There are many policy precedents for this in Germany, and excellent examples of beautiful rainwater management in Portland.
Reducing stormwater runoff will reduce incidents of sewage overflow (combined sewer overflow events) into our cherished Fraser River estuary, and also potentially save some tax money that goes to upgrading and fixing the aging storm sewer system every year.

This is captured in rezoning requirements. The City has also developed a Waterwise Landscape Guide
apayette commented
Great idea. Using grey water for this like flushing toilets would make a huge impact when implemented on a large scale.