Municipal tax break for property owners that allow urban farmers to farm their yards
There already exist entrepreneurs producing significant amounts of food in yards in Vancouver, often through a CSA distribution model (Inner City Farms, Fresh Roots, City Farm Boy, My Urban Farm, and others). The landowners that partner with these farmers should receive tax breaks based on the amount of food being produced on their property. With such inflated property taxes in Vancouver, this would provide a delicious incentive for landowners to allow urban farmers to access their land.

chris thoreau commented
Go Will GO!!!
NOTE: Lisa Giroday's idea "substidize property tax on land used for urban farms" has been merged with this one.
Land is so expensive in Vancouver. Lets consider giving people a break who use their land to reduce emissions, create bio-diversity and fulfill a social/environmental obligation to a better planet!
Vicki Morell commented
The only problem I have with this is as long as wood burning appliances are allowed in Vancouver/Metro Vancouver the land that is used for urban farming can easily be contaminated by a neighbours wood burning appliances
CSA/EPA certified wood burning stoves produce 2-3 times more dioxins and furans. How healthy is that? All wood burning appliances must be banned in Vancouver/Metro Vancouver. -
Aone commented
It should be based on the amont of land allocated to growing produce, trees and shrubs.
Property taxes are higher now because property owners are now paying for the water treatment plants which you should know if you were a home owner. Also the cost of the green trimming cart goes up every year along with recycling, sewer, the translink levy and school education tax and the usual other taxes.
Just wait for the secondary sewage treatment tax increase.
Alot of what is on the property tax notice is not even related to city property utilities.