All parks off the grid
Support alternative energy resources by installing solar and wind power for all parks in Vancouver. The hardest would be Stanley Park, of course, but most of the others should be easy to convert to alternative energy

Phillip Ichikawa commented
Also upgrading the incandescent lighting to energy efficient LED lighting powered by A-Grade Monocrystalline Solar Cells, would be a visible benefit to making Vancouver the Greenest City by 2020. These will make a visible statement that our city is Green. Great for applications in dog parks, bicycle/walking trails, parking lots and streets with no hyrdo grid access.
weaver commented
We already have the infrastructure there to feed solar power into the grid - just put solar cells on all lamp posts. High sun days would provide excess power above that needed to run the light all night, and low sun days would would mean drawing from the grid, but the only costs involved to set this up would be the cells themselves.