Make It Mandatory That Asphalt Roofing Shingles Be Banned from Landfills (and recycled instead)
In the Vancouver region alone approximately 80,000 tonnes of tear-off roofing shingles are disposed of in our landfills each year! 80,000 tonnes means 160,000 barrels of oil used and 4.8 million tonnes of CO2 produced! This is unnecessary waste, and there is one company making a difference in this area that grinds up the shingles to be sold as binder in asphalt paving mixes and as fuel for kilns. To keep this huge amount of waste that could be re-used out of our landfills, the city of Vancouver should partner with this company by either purchasing grinders so the landfills can do the same thing as this company is doing, or help them expand their business so they can handle the influx of shingles after the ban is put into place.

HelenS commented
The province can require roofing manufacturers to establish a recycling service (called "Extended Producer Responsibility"). Now that there is an established process for reusing the material, there's only one thing standing in the way: YOUR voice (City Council) asking for it on our behalf. We all pay when good materials go to waste.