Create cheap bike rentals (Or include the rental in the fare) around the sky train stations
Many of us are worried to take bikes to the work due to the problem of shortage of space in the buses and sky train. If we could find them at the stations and return them after work, will make it easier for everybody, and more people will be encouraged to use them.

This idea is similar to a Public Bike System, which is currently under review.
Erica commented
@Maureen: The bus and skytrain systems are largely functional. Not great, but functional. Those of us who choose to cycle do it to save time (my wait for my bike is 0 minutes and I regularly beat the bus on routes that are 10k or less), connect the dots from home to transit or between major routes, stay healthier (in terms of fitness and reduced exposure to germs that cause illness) and alleviate congestion on major traffic routes and on transit. If the folks who cannot store a bike in their homes or apartments could have access to a bike rental program that would allow them to make the last leg of their trip by bike each day, I would personally be for it. Not to mention these programs tend to be pretty popular with tourists.
Maureen commented
If there is a functional bus system and/or a functional skytrain system that reaches the needs to the majority of users, then techinically, one does not need to bike for anything other than pleasure or exercise! To suggest bike rentals at stations for people to ride to and fro work from a station is a bandaid to a disfunctional transport system.