Ban New paving
Stop paving green space! There is a new unneeded and ugly sidewalk (8th ave example) and the US style electric lit AstroTurf rec complex at Jericho that has taken ridiculous amounts of green space away - leave well enough alone!

Steven Forth commented
I would go farther and say let's find ways to repave our sidewalks, parking lots and roads with some new form of pavement that combines an open grid with resilient grasses and herbs. This will require some research and we will need to learn how to grow and maintain these systems but they have many advantages: they let the rain through instead of causing runoff, this will filter the water and support more trees and other plants, and it will replenish our daylighted creeks. The research could lead Vancouver to become a leader in these new systems. Of course we will have to design them to provide good traction, to be wheelchair and stroller friendly and to stand up to snow, ice and even some road salt, but these challenges are what makes it a huge opportunity. Let's start by repaving some parking lots and sidewalks and see what works.