You Do Not Seem To Understand We Do Not Care About Your Targets
You would think you would have figured this out by now!

Erica commented
Not so Lawson. Simply not so.
Jocelyn Smith commented
What do you care about Lawson?
Steven Forth commented
I wonder who the 'we' is in Lawson's claim. Can't speak for anyone else but I certainly care deeply, and the city government's commitment to making Vancouver a green city is one of the reasons I moved back from Boston. I am not aware of an electronic voting system in Vancouver, but I can see the arguements for developing one. It could become an important part of a new participatory democracy. It is certainly an idea worth exploring.
Michael James commented
can you explain? be more specific?
Lawson commented
City Staff do now seem to get it that a majority of residents do not care about you reaching your Targets period. Put this to a electronic vote of all residents for confirmation they do not agree with you! Remember you only have 14 months