Lets recycle the burnt out light bulbs from street lights and traffic signals. This would reduce was
The city should look into a recycling program for the burnt out lights that are removed from street lights and traffic signals.

Rob Johnson commented
The city has over 60,000 street and lane lights. Most of them are high pressure sodium, also known as a high intensity discharge lamp (HID). Electrical crews return over 10,000 replaced lamps to stores for re-cycling. Stores staff consolidate these lamps with any fluorescent tubes for transfer to a recycling facility in Richmond. This facility will process the components as follows:
Glass is consolidated for reproduction into glass sand blasting media
Phosphor powders and HID internal vials (which contain mercury) is containerized and sent to Fluorescent Lamp Recyclers in Ayr, OntarioThe recovered mercury is sold back to lamp manufacturers for re-use.
Traffic signal lights were converted from incandescent lamps to led lens in 2004. These LED lens are also sent to the Richmond facility. The quantities of LED lens recycled has been minimal.
Parks Board also has similar program.
HelenS commented
In the spirit of EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) the City should require all vendors to provide take-back service for products the City purchases. The "supply chain" should be a loop going back to the producer.