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How can we reach our 2020
Greenest City Targets?

GC 2020

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  1. 15 votes

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  2. Covered bike racks like these from San Francisco (South Park) #bikearc

    Covered bike racks to keep people's seats dry during the rainy season would increase accessibility and make it more attractive to ride through the winter. This design isn't perfect but it gives you an idea of what we could do.

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  4. Support graduated auto insurance

    [Submitted via email by Ann Foster]

    Support graduated auto insurance, with the fees based on mileage. For example:

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    The City is supportive of this idea, but implementation requires action outside municipal jurisdiction. The City has and will continue to advocate to the Province and ICBC for PAYD and/or other distance-based forms of auto insurance.

  5. Cash and tax incentives for the sale of excess power generated from the installation of solar power.

    If you want people to follow more than dancing with the stars....wave the green in their face and the city will change. Tie into the grid and allow people the choice of where their excess power goes. If you are paid for the power but it's capped at a monthly amount the rest can be credited to shelters for the homeless and lower income housing. All as a taxable write off of course. The ideas are endless and so is the power!

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  6. Bylaw to ban auto-flush toilets

    Aside from being the worst invention of all-time*, auto-flush toilets are also incredibly wasteful.

    I estimate that an auto-flush goes off at least twice as often as it needs to. In the offices and malls where these devices are installed, that could mean a vast amount of wasted water.

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  7. mindfullness in schools

    Whereas Climate change requires individual behaviour change and
    Wherease individual behaviour change is significantly enhanced by cultivating the ability for critical thought and the abilility to step back and question and
    Wherease these abilities are proven to be enhanced by practicing mindfulness (aka meditation, centering prayer, and many other labels), and
    Whereas some success has already been achieved by introducing mindfulness programs in Vancouver schools,
    Collaborate with the vancouver school board to introduce mindfuflness training in all grade levels across the city. This may include providing a financial incentive for the VSB to fully roll out the program.

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  8. Green school/Demonstration Centre

    The two biggest barriers I see for people choosing to ignore green principles and continue in a throw away mentality is 1) Education 2) Ease of change. People need to understand and it has to be cheep and easy to do---guess what, It is!!!!!! Lectures, pamphlets, workshops--these are all good things--but seriously lets stop yapping and just start doing and showing. There is no better way of understanding what and how things can be done then by actually doing it. By sight, by touch and by participating.
    Lets build a demonstration centre on a vacant lot which aims to discover…

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  9. Improve air quality monitoring and make it educational

    Metro Vancouver is responsible for monitoring air quality across the region. There are only two permanent air quality monitoring stations within the City and their readings aren't representative of the rest of Vancouver because of point sources nearby. Building another air quality monitoring station in a better location could help assess trends in ambient air quality across the City. Mobile monitoring studies could also be conducted along major traffic corridors or near suspected point sources to inform policy decisions.

    Educational features such as signage and real-time displays could be incorporated into existing or new monitoring stations. This would help inform…

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  10. 14 votes

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    The City supports the idea of road / congestion pricing, and bridge tolls are one possible implementation. A regional (as opposed to a city) approach might work best, given travel behaviour, patterns of movement, and jurisdictional issues. This lies outside City jurisdiction, so our role is limited to advocacy; changes to Provincial legislation are required.

  11. label local food

    Encourage food retailers to label local food. This would make it easier for people to choose local and support a sustainable, secure food system in the Lower Mainland.

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  12. Incubator kitchens

    Have certified kitchens available for rent for individuals that would like to create a food business- provide business and marketing support.

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  13. Change the Building Code to require water efficient fixtures in a wider range of house renovations

    The building code specifies the kinds of efficiencies required by water fixtures in all buildings. Currently a home owner has to be undertaking a significant renovation ($95 000 value) before permits are required. The code could be changed to lower that threshold (to $50,000), thereby increasing the number of homes that would be required by law to install fixtures with a high degree of water efficiency.

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  14. Encourage Eco-Industrial Parks & Eco-Business Zones

    The city can develop an eco-business strategy to help build networks of businesses who work together to : reduce their impacts, resource consumption rates, strain on public infrastructure, and, of course, costs.

    Eco-Industrial Parks and eco-business zones are effective models for greening new and existing industry/business activity: By acting collectively, and taking lessons from natural systems, we can create new green business opportunities and transform existing employment areas to use less resources like water & energy, and to attract progressive new green businesses to town.

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  15. Provide home owners with a tax rebate for installing compostable toilets.

    The availability of composting toilets is growing, with a variety of kinds to suit home owners' purposes. Our clean water sources in Canada are abundant, but also the equivalent to gold on an international scale: we should treat it this way. Let's not flush our potable water sources down the toilet. Composting toilets use little to no water at all. We should provide incentives for Canadians to make this change.

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  16. Green computing in all government offices

    Cloud computing servers that run on renewable wind energy also minimize the need for computer upgrades, high-power servers that stay on all night, and costly software licences. Google has invested hundreds of millions in green power and offers government grade office services at a fraction of current costs. They also recycle computer parts to create their data centres. By using these services, we become greener.

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  17. Reduce electrical permits for solar (saving...) Right now the cost of an electrical permit for a

    Right now the cost of an electrical permit for a solar photovoltaic system is three times the cost of one for a diesel generator of the same capacity. By reducing this cost it would encourage green energy while not significantly affecting city revenues.

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  18. Work with existing district steam heating systems to switch to renewable energy sources

    Half of Vancouver’s greenhouse gas emissions come from burning natural gas to heat our buildings. The large district steam heating systems found at the hospitals and downtown are significant users of natural gas. Converting these existing systems to renewable energy sources would reduce reliance on natural gas and help to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.

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  19. Ban beach police on quad vehicles

    If the City really wants to be the greenest in the world, it should not equipped its beach police with quad vehicles that pollute the air (overall when they stay iddle in the middle of the beach) and with noise. Beach police should walk or bike and let people enjoy a vehicule free area. Ironic, that we ban smoking on the beach but our own city police is emiting greenhouse gas...

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  20. 11 votes

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    The draft Greenest City Action Plan will include directions to advance parking policies that encourage a reduction in vehicle ownership and driving, support sustainable transportation choices, and increase housing affordability near transit. Better management of curbside parking will help to reduce cruising and congestion caused by drivers searching for an available space. Redesigning the residential parking permit program will address parking spillover concerns associated with off-street reductions and better reflect actual street space value.

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